Home Podcasts Sepi Azarbaijani-Moghaddam: The Taliban banned from women working for the UN

Sepi Azarbaijani-Moghaddam: The Taliban banned from women working for the UN

In the beginning of April 2023, the Taliban notified the United Nation mission in Afghanistan that Afghan women are no longer permitted to work for the U.N. There are approximately 400 Afghan women who work for the U.N mission in Afghanistan. This decision was condemned by the international community and the U.N. is currently assessing whether to continue or halt all aid activities in Afghanistan.

In this episode, Sangar is joined by seasoned conultant and academic Sepi Azarbaijani-Moghaddam. She was one of the foreign aidworkers in Kabul when the Taliban took over the country in the 1990’s. Sepi has in total, more 29 years of experience in conflict and post-conflict countries, especially in Afghanistan.

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